Here’s some inside knowledge for you: God wants to you to succeed in life. In the Gospel, it mentions Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables so they were able to understand; however, he explained to his disciples everything he taught in private. These explanations are for us if we are truly His disciples. We have two beautiful images the Lord takes time to explain: the grain seed and the mustard seed. The seed can be the Gospel installed, planted in the heart that is called to grow. The seed also can be just the overall life given to any human coming into this world. Life begins at conception and, from then on, God has a wonderful plan for each person. In another passage of the Bible, it mentions God has wonderful plans for you, not to ruin you but to make you prosper. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” God who has given you life has big plans for you. God wants for the seed of your life to grow. No life is wasted, no life is a mistake. God has a purpose for everyone. When we are born, it’s like a seed beginning to sprout with so much potential. We are so tiny, but with so much potential. How many parents look at their newborn and hope the best for this little, tiny, cute baby to become someone great in this world? Many parents even before birth want just the child to be healthy, this is their wish. How much more will God wish for His people! Certainly, there are special cases where it is difficult to see what the design God has for the life of this person, but even then life is valuable and needs to be protected and families learn how to be better and more caring persons! So, every life has purpose. This purpose is to be developed throughout life, all in their proper circumstance. The seed of potential needs to be watered constantly through the sacraments so it may grow and then bear much fruit. Unfortunately, some seeds become stunted in their growth because they lack water, here a reference to the Holy Spirit is made. They lack the Holy Spirit who can give them life-giving water through the sacraments. The seed begins to sprout through the sacrament of baptism, which makes a person a child of God. Baptism also gives the person a God-given purpose for their lives, they are to be prophets, kings, and priests. They are to live a life of service to acquire the promise of eternal life given in baptism. But for some that’s it, that is all the water they will receive because no growth will follow in the faith. Their growth stops and they wither. The seed of potential dries up, so many dreams shot, so much potential wasted. But God is a God of second chances! Ask the Lord to take you out of that depression, of that state of life, of that way of thinking. There is still hope. There is still winning to be had. The first reading gives an assurance God can even make a dead plant, a dead tree, that withers, come back to life. God can continue to fulfill the potential of the seed of your life, even when the world says it’s over, there is nothing more to do; God is saying, “Watch me, I will give you a majestic future.” Even when the person gives up, God can restore, can lift high the lowly. Life is not over until it is over, and so when there are times when a person feels so small, so insignificant, God can still make wonders happen in their lives if there is openness. God can make a little seed, grow to the largest of plants for the glory of His name. Pray to get out of the frame of mind of limitation. Pray for courage to get out of the rut. Pray for courage to start to work for recovery, to rescue your life. Pray so you can achieve the potential God created you for and become a large plant with good fruits of service. Do not keep the seed of your life stunted but be open to the Holy Spirit to nurture it with its life-giving water (the sacraments), and so fulfill the potential for which you were made!