During the last couple of weeks in the readings it has shown what it means to be a disciple. Today’s readings further this theme. All the readings taken together give additional qualities of the life of the disciple. The first reading mentions praying for prudence. Two necessary things. Prayer is a must for the disciple to be in communication with the Master. And asking for prudence is very important to not make mistakes out of foolishness. Prudence is knowing when to act, and how to act. A disciple needs to be prudent in how sharing the Gospel of the Lord with others. It is in prayer that prudence is polished. The second reading then gives another quality, and that is to dwell in the Word of God which is living and effective. Remember the disciple will need to render an account of what they have done with their life. It is better to be guided with the Word or God which is sharper than any two-edge sword. The disciple needs to be saturated with Word of God, and not only know about it, but implement it in the daily living. A disciple without a Bible, is unguarded and unprotected from the snares of the devil. A discipline of learning about the Bible (including study of the bible with others) helps the disciple to be better equipped to evangelize. Then the Gospel reading comes up with more qualities. It is important to know that Jesus is not impressed with flattery. There are some who would like to throw adjectives to God, as if were to appease God. The man from the Gospel calls him “Good.” But Jesus is not buying it. A disciple needs to go beyond pretty words with Jesus but put into practice the commandments. This leads to another quality. A disciple must follow the commandments. Jesus lists some of them. In fact, Jesus repeats some similar like do not steal and do not defraud. It is all about honesty. A disciple must live an honest life, be transparent, be the same here and there and everywhere. Following the commandments is not a matter just following them for a time, but it is about following them all the time until the end of life. This man in the Gospel said I have followed them from my youth. But it does not mean now he does not have to follow them. The next quality of a disciple is to sell what they have and give to the poor. It is important to note the problem is not about having the sufficient to survive, but to be attached to earthly possessions. It is very interesting in this version of the Gospel; Jesus does not condemn the rich but those who have wealth and are attached to it. A disciple must not be attached to the things of the world but rather be detached as to be free for God. Lastly, this Gospel tells a disciple must look at Jesus in the eye and allow Jesus to look back with love. It is powerful that St. Mark says that Jesus looking at him, loved him. The disciple must allow himself to be found with the loving gaze of Jesus, and then dwell in it for a prolong period time. What if this man in the Gospel, had looked back closely and prolonged his gaze with Jesus, maybe he could have changed his mind. A disciple can gaze on Jesus in the Eucharist, a Holy Hour of contemplation is necessary to allow His Eyes to look back with love. These are all qualities a disciple can strive to have and ask Jesus for them with these prayer in mind, “Prosper the work of our hands, prosper the work of our hands… [so to be truly His disciples].”