Corpus Christi Sunday is sometimes treated like Mother’s Day. But it should not be celebrated only once a year but cherished every day. Every day should be Corpus Christi, not just once a year. Not sure why we need to emphasize it only once a year but perhaps going back to history the answer can be found. Today there is one day of celebration for Corpus Christi, but in the Middle ages it was a way of life. They formed guilds so they could have Eucharistic Processions in their town. There was laity carrying the Blessed Sacrament in large, decorated platforms with candle holders walking alongside. It was a whole town endeavor. Going back to this time in history, the Eucharistic theology was also so expansive with St. Thomas Aquinas expounding about it in his Summa Theologica. It was also St. Thomas of Aquinas who coined the term the Beatific Vision, a vision of how heaven will be, an eternal eucharist. During this time monasticism, a life dedicated to the Eucharist and prayer, was also expanded. There were many monasteries where the celebration and adoration of the Eucharist was central of their community life. The Middle Ages, sometimes called the Dark Ages, were really enlightened ages with the importance of the Eucharist was lived. Now back to 2024, when there needs to be some serious convincing for teenage and even older people to come to church on Sunday for one hour or so to be with the Eucharist; when there is a lack of faith in the Eucharist more than half of so-called Catholics do not believe in the Real Presence of the Lord in the sacrament; when even the one-day celebration of Corpus Christi comes and goes without much notice or solemnity…no processions, no decorations, no declarations, no emotion, nor devotion. Sometimes even the Sequence that is supposed to happen at Mass before the Gospel is either shortened or skipped altogether. Now back to 2024, supposedly we are more modern, but not when it comes to the Eucharist. There is more technology, but less love for the Eucharist. There are flashes of light here and there, but few search the radiating light from the presence of the Eucharist, in His Light we see light. There is so much noise, there can be no peace. No time for the comforting presence of the Lord in the Eucharist, in his Peace we find peace. Perhaps the so-called modern has something to learn from the Middle Ages. Sometimes less is better…less noise and technology, for better appreciation and adoration of the Eucharist. Now back to 2024, it takes a lot of convincing for people to believe in the Eucharist, but there are so many reasons why to believe. But the main reason to believe, is because Jesus said so. He said, “Take this is my Body, this is my Blood, and do this, in remembrance of me.” Corpus Christi should not only be a day a year to remind us about the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, it should be a day to affirm what we practice and believe all year long. Corpus Christi can be an opportunity to be more like those of the Middle Ages: adore and process with the Blessed Sacrament as a sign of our love and commitment to the Eucharist. As the years progress, let us not digress in the belief in the Eucharist but participate worthily in the sacrament, so faith can be strengthened in the journey toward heaven. May every day be a day to celebrate the great gift the Lord has given as we journey through this world. We are sustained with His food for the journey (Viaticum). Let us not forget that without the Eucharist and its Real Presence, we lose our identity, we lose our strength, we lose the faith, we lose everything, and we are no longer Catholics. May Corpus Christi Sunday be a way of life!