Many have dreams and aspirations while growing up but many of those are about riches and fame, very few people dream about becoming a wise person, full of love for God and others. Most dreams are about material things, but today’s readings invite us to the dream about spiritual things. Solomon did not ask for riches, nor fame though he got them anyway. He asked for wisdom to know how to govern a people. I remember I selected this reading for my ordination as a deacon because at that time I was only twenty-four years old, still merely a youth. I ask the Lord to give me the wisdom to be able to serve God’s people. One thing I also ask the Lord is to give the grace to celebrate the mass worthily and well. I did not ask to be most known priest in the diocese. I did not ask for fame. I ask the Lord for wisdom just like Solomon, and like Solomon I believe the Lord has bless me in the ministry entrusted. The Gospel readings gives us three short images to compare the great treasure we receive when we accept be part of the kingdom of heaven. A buried treasure, a pearl of great price, and big net with many fish. There is a sense of excitement in being part of the kingdom of heaven because many blessings flow. There is a psalm 131 that says (paraphrase) “My heart is not haughty…. I have not strived for things too great.” Perhaps many have dreams of things too great, but the greatest dream made a reality is to accept the Kingdom of Heaven. To conform our lives to the Gospel. At the end of the parables Jesus said, the disciples asked they understood and said “yes” but we can certainly know they had no idea of what they were answering. They just said yes to please the Lord. However, in our own lives lets be careful not to waste time in meaningless pursuits but apply ourselves to live for the kingdom. We are called to focus, for at the end of the age there will be a big difference of those who lived for themselves, and those who lived for the kingdom. Let’s not get carried away by the lure of the world but remain steadfast in our faith so that once justified, we too may be glorified at the Kingdom of Heaven for all eternity.