The first Gospel proclaimed for Palm Sunday ends with the beautiful acclamation of the hosanna. This acclamation includes the word in the highest which has a great meaning when placed in context. The second reading mentions “Jesus humbled himself and emptied himself for the salvation.” A contrast with the first Gospel and the exultant wording of Hosanna in the highest. Jesus, the Son of God, went from the highest to the lowest because of his great love for humanity. Being God, he humbled himself to die on the cross because his great love is without end. It is still interesting to note how quickly things changed for him. How fickle is human nature. In less than a week He went from being acclaimed to being nailed to the cross. Some may think those people at that time did not know what they were doing. They were ignorant to what was happening. Perhaps some people did not know and got carried away with the moment in a mob mentality. But it would be sad if some people knew exactly what they were doing and they crucified the Savior on purpose. Imagine some people that knew Jesus was the Son of God and had the audacity to crucify Him anyway…it “serves him right" type of mentality. It is sad to think some people knew he was God but cared less. Jesus still carried on his mission for love but what great sadness He endured knowing how hard the hearts of many were, they were willing to kill God. In less than a week they changed their opinion and really showed their true colors. This shows humanity at its worse and also a side lesson: don't trust human opinion, it changes like the wind. It is very volatile. Not that Jesus trusted their opinion or basked in their acclamation anyways. But it did show how people can change their minds so quickly and so often. From Hosanna in the highest to the lowest death on the cross, all within a week due to malice in humanity. Before we judge those people let's take a look into our own lives. Isn't it true we do exactly the same within a given week? From highest to the lowest because of our actions. We too acclaim at times, "Hosanna in the highest" but within a week we are putting the nail in the hand of Jesus by our sins. How many times have we betrayed Jesus in an instant? It does not take us a week. How many times have we said, "Lord, Lord, I love you." And then we yell, "Crucify him. Crucify him. I don't know Him." Our actions are telling of where we stand in a given week. As we enter Holy Week, let us remember Jesus went from the highest to the lowest for our salvation, but let us try to stay in a highest level of doing good and not go down into the lowest level because of sin. Let us be consistent in our faith and with our lives truly acclaim, "Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He in the name of the Lord." May we sing the Hosanna with our lives as we try to live a truly Holy Week