Today celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord and we are reminded of our baptismal dignity, and our baptismal mission. From the moment we are baptized, we are given a dignity as a child of God and a life-long mission to bring others to salvation. It is quite interesting the readings emphasize color white as bright. In the first reading, the majesty of the Ancient One, whose clothing was as bright as snow. In the Transfiguration it mentions how the Lord Jesus clothes became white as light. It is not coincidence that in the rite of baptism, we also hear “N., you have become a new creation, and have clothed yourself in Christ. See in this white garment the outward sign of your Christian dignity. With your family and friends to help you by word and example, bring that dignity unstained into the everlasting life of heaven.” There is a direct connection with the Transfiguration for just as Jesus’ radiated as the sun, and his clothing became white as light, so all who are baptized are called to radiate the light of Christ to others, and to preserve their dignity from sin so that their white garment does not become stain. We are called to Transfigure in our daily lives to others to remember our dignity as Christians and keep our clothing white (spiritually speaking). We too are called to Transform the world. It is important to note the disciples had this powerful experience and wanted to stay put and not come down from the mountain. However, they were compelled by Jesus to come down and embrace the cross. They were to tell other people about what just happened on the high mountain, they were to be his eyewitnesses of His majesty down from the mountain to the rest of the world. And so Jesus invites to embrace the mission. After the experience of the transfiguration, they were to transform the world. After being “transfigured” into the image of Christ in baptism, we are called to embrace our baptismal call with a purpose of bring others to Christ. We cannot stay in the mountain of our comfortableness. We need to go to transform the world radiating the light of Christ to others. What he has done for us, we must do for others.