Altar Servers are boys and girls who generously commit themselves to help in the celebration of the Mass.
Altar Servers assist priests in a quiet and unobtrusive manner. They are always reverent and set an example to the entire assembly.
New Altar Servers are welcomed. Contact parish office regarding training.
A student must meet the following requirements to become an Altar Server:
In 3rd grade or older;
Have received the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist;
Actively participate in the Religious Education programs or be enrolled in a Catholic school and be involved in Our Lady of the Valley activities.
Liturgical Calendar/Calendario del Litúrgico
Click on calendar for the month below to determine if you are serving as a lector, sacristan, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, altar server or usher during the month.
Our Lady of the Valley uses an on-line scheduling tool, which you can access here:
TRAINING for Liturgical Ministries
If you believe you are being called to Liturgical Ministry, call the parish office. There is not a training currently on the calendar. Training for Extraordinary Ministers of Communion to the Sick - There is not a training currently scheduled. Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested in being trained.
Liturgical Ministry includes:
sacristans, lectors, MCs, ushers, or extraordinary ministers of the Holy Eucharist at Massor those who bring the Eucharist to the homebound.
Please consider with this ministry. It is very important we have more people participate. If the interest to serve does not grow, Father may offer only the Blessed Body at Mass.