Don’t wait until it’s too late. This would be the lesson for this week. Last week it was noted how the disciples wanted to “deal” with the storm by themselves, and it wasn’t until the boat was near sinking that they “woke” Jesus from the stern of the boat. He was in the back, asleep but waiting to be asked to help. The disciples waited until the last minute to come to ask for help. This is what happened with both people in the Gospel of Mark. They waited until the last minute to ask Jesus for help. The episode of the woman afflicted with hemorrhages and of Jairus both share this is in common. It is shown more with the woman afflicted with hemorrhages, but it is also shown in how Jairus waited until his daughter was near the point of death to search for Jesus. The Gospel of Mark beautifully meshes these two episodes together. It begins with Jairus searching for Jesus (finally!) and then it goes to the encounter with the woman, then it comes back to Jairus once more, and it concludes with Jesus raising the little girl from the dead. This is a literary technique beautifully done by the Gospel writer, and it is also interesting that the woman had been afflicted twelve years, and the little girl was twelve years old. The number 12 has a significance of the power and authority of God to do miracles. However, as mentioned, they search others first before getting finally to Jesus. This is what we do when we are in the middle of a dire situation or in the middle of an infirmity. We tend to first search other “remedies.” Last week it was stated, “We search other sources first.” We either try to resolve this ourselves or get some other source to try to help but it only makes things worse. The woman had suffered greatly at the hands of many doctors. Not one, not two, not a few, but many doctors and only grew worse. She had seen so many doctors. She was now having a new problem, bankruptcy. How many times have we spent all we had for health, but it only turns worse? There is no trust in God. It is important to note that seeking medical help is perfectly fine and indeed is needed. God gave knowledge to the doctors to help alleviate the illnesses with their medicine and practice. However, it always must be noted, God has the final word. When the world is saying it’s over, it is not over until God says it’s over, and even then it is not truly over, but only a new beginning. This woman trusted doctors, who at that time did not have all the medical advancements there is now and hygiene was poor. Even in recent history, presidents had been lost because of poor hygiene. The lack of hygiene may have been a factor, and it’s unbelievable she did not die because of the lack of it. She grew worse trusting human agents rather than going to the Divine Agent. And only when she had spent all she had, only then did she draw close to Jesus and with fear touching only the edge of his of garment. At last, she came to the right source but with much trepidation, taking care of only lightly touching the tassels of the cloak of Jesus. How many times after going around in circles trying to find a solution do we come but only touch lightly the subject of our problem with Jesus? There is much trembling happening for lack of trust in Jesus. There is fear in the relationship so we only touch upon the subject lightly. Many times, in life things are left to the last minute, even in terms of health. The healing person of Jesus is left until the end when all has been tried and exhausted. This too happened with Jairus. He had the same problem of the woman, he waited until the last minute to search for help. Could he have found help earlier? It is noted his daughter was at the point of death. It is at this point that he starts to search for help. Why did he not search for help earlier when symptoms were developing? It happens to us when we wait until the last minute to search for help from God in the person of the priest. We try everything, but calling the priest, because then it means accepting the death of a family member. When finally, the call is made and the priest does not come on time, we get so mad with the priest, with the church, with God. The priest was delayed because there is only one priest and many sick people. The priest was delayed because he was hearing confessions. The priest was delayed because he had an appointment. The priest was delayed because he was working. Let’s not forget the priest is human and cannot bilocate. Why then wait until the last minute to call for help? Why do we try everything else except come to Jesus? In sum, why do we leave Jesus to last? When the world says it’s over, it is time to do like Jesus, cast the world aside and, yes, it is time to trouble the teacher. He wants to be troubled first rather than last. May we come directly to Jesus in the hour of our need, and then be restored with His healing presence.