The readings today ask of all to have consistency in what we say, and in what we do. St. Paul reminds us to be not only hearers of the word but also doers of the word, to put into practice what is being professed. One common complaint about Christians is that they ask other people to follow the commandments but they themselves do not follow them. They place a burden on others, but they do not lift a finger to carry it themselves. Another similar complaint launched at Christians is hypocrisy. They say one thing, but they do another. They do not follow their own rules. And when the rules apply to them, they find a way for alter them for their convenience. Some Christians scandalize because they are strict with the commandments, but they are living life in the shadows. They only render lip service to the commandments, but their actions tell another story. Last week the readings mentioned the days are evil. Certainly, there is a lot of evil in the world, and it begins with what people have inside their heart. Outwardly they seem to follow the commandments, but inwardly they are full of malice. A person with intelligence realizes it is not about the outward show of piety, but also what is in the heart. A person with intelligence knows that the commandments are kept not only exteriorly, but also interiorly. It is about what is in the heart. To be sure it is important to observe the commandments so that there may be life within the person. But there also needs to be an interior purification. It is not just about going through the motions. There was a professor (I had) who once said, “Perception is reality.” If people think you are doing something, because that is what you are pretending to do, then they think is real. With the Lord, there is no perception only reality. We cannot dare to insult the intelligence of God, thinking God can be duped. God sees what is inside. God sees the sentiments, the feelings, the true self. There is a song in Spanish that says something like this: “From inside out God sees you, if only you could see yourself from inside out, your way of thinking would change, if only you could see yourself from the inside out.” God sees inside and that is what matters, not the outward show. There are those who seem pious, always praying and always on their knees, but they harbor hatred for their neighbor. They are the ones who are bothered by everything that is going on at the church. They can’t stand children being children. They can’t stand people conversing on their way out of church. They are the ones who cannot be bothered in their prayer time, and yet these are the people the readings are talking about. They say one thing and do another. How happy would be the day when those who pray, are also the ones who act justly, and keep the commandments from within. How happy would be the day when following the commandments will not be a burden but a source of joy! How happy would be the day when the religious practice will be pure because there will a good balance of what is inside, and what is practiced outside! And how happy would be the day, when there will a kind of first fruits in the life of person, because the person was consistent in their faith!