Whether Jesus was in “pagan territory” such as Caesarea Phillipi or in a journey through Galilee, his message remains the same. There will be persecution for those true disciples because they will have to go through the same as the teacher. Jesus makes it clear he will be handed over to men and they will kill him. Persecution will happen but the promise of the resurrection follows. As mentioned last week this persecution can come from within. The letter of St James reminds those from within often make war with their own members because they are being led by their passions and not by God. One of the scandals of Christianity is that the members do not have much love for each other. The damage to the Body of Christ is done from within. The foundation of love is what Jesus preached about, love God and neighbor, but this basic principle of love is hard to implement. It can get better by the participation in the Eucharist, which foments love. Though it is true that persecution may happen, if united to prayer, it can forge a stronger faith. The challenge for the believer is amid persecution (from which ever source) to grow in character and in faith. In persecution the true disciple is called to not let passions fly high. To not let tensions simmer. To let the bygones be bygones. To let go of the cynicism shown in the first reading. To not categorized others as obnoxious, but to help all to become better. To develop fruits of the Holy Spirit while the faith is being tested in fire. These fruits are listed in the second reading: to become more pure, more peaceable, more gentle, more compliant, and full of mercy. Persecution should not scare, but rather motivate. Enduring persecution with the help of God can shape a person’s faith for the better. In persecution true character is revealed, true faith is lived. When it comes to persecutions, either the person will be led by their passions to desire revenge, or the person will be led to embrace the cross and grow in virtue. During persecution, the true disciple needs to focus. It sad there is so much persecution in the world for the faith, and many those within the church are focusing about who has the greatest authority. The Titanic [of faith] is sinking, and there are some people who are trying to arrange the chairs [of power]. Jesus calmly sits down, and as a father calls his children forward, and gentle explains it is not about earthly power, it is about being the servant of all. The true disciple is not called to strive for earthly power, but to know the only power they have, it is the power to serve. The true disciples do not concentrate about authority over others but purify themselves by enduring persecutions and with service. It is about becoming a better person because Jesus is in the heart.