Many people worry about their future. They look around and they see how the world is collapsing. This worry manifest itself even in a bodily fashion, with anxiety, stress, ulcers, and just a total unrest. Psychologists offer help. However, for some their fear of what can happen to them is to overwhelming. They feel very small, and incapable of doing something with their lives. They have been told, their worth is about how much they have, and they feel totally undervalued. These upcoming holy days for some people are going to be extremely difficult, with the world proposing that we need to have more to feel more, and then realizing that gadget, that item did not make a person feel any better. The world wants to shove materialism down the throat as a way for a person to feel better about themselves, and stop worrying about their future. “Here have this, entertain yourself for a little bit.” However, the feeling does not go away. Today’s readings offer solutions to this underlying feeling. First, the first reading reminds even if a person feels so small, out of smallness, greatness will come. Bethlehem, the smallest town of all the cities of Judah would be the host of the Messiah. Even when a person feels so small, the Messiah can come and dwell in the heart. Further this image says that even when a person feels so small, great things can happen in the future if they put their trust in God. For the results depend on God, and not on the person. Second, the first reading says that if a person puts their faith in the shepherd of the flock, that is Jesus Christ, they will remain firm, and be given strength amid trying circumstances. Instead of worrying, do some more praying. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, place your trust in God. Come rest in the arms of the shepherd in prayer and know that everything will be all right. The Lord in other passages says not to worry, this will not add a minute more to life, so it better to let go, and know Jesus is in control. Third, a way to experience peace (and not worry) is to do the will of God in life. This means follow the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She being pregnant went to help and serve her cousin Elizabeth. It was a gusty move, putting her own pregnancy in danger by the way she had to travel. And it can be imagined, Mary pregnant moving around the house doing chores for Elizabeth. She trusted in God, and dedicated herself to service. When a person starts to serve, worry about the future lessens. The person becomes actualized. The person becomes involved. The person finds a purpose. The person can experience the fulfillment that comes from service. The person no longer worries. There is no time to worry, only time to use it well in service. Lastly, the worry about the future will collapse, and there will be peace, when a person submits their whole will to God. Start living for God, and not for self. The second reading reminds, even the Son of God, did not come to the world to do his will, but the will of the Father. The reading beautifully states, “I come to do your will.” If these words were uttered by the Son of God, who has divine will, and has majesty and dominion over all, and yet submitted himself to the will of His Father, why can mortal beings not submit their human will to the will of God? Where there is worry, there is misery, and where there is misery is because the will of God is ignored. Stop trying to be the person to think you must be, and start asking God what He wants you to be. Stop engaging in a battle of wills with God. Trust in his divine providence, allow yourself to be guided, and listen to what God has in store for you. The moment a person starts to live for God, and completely submit the will to God, that moment is when the person truly starts to live, and worry and lack of self-worth cease to exist. And then there shall be peace in that life.