Leprosy in ancient times was a death sentence, not only physically but also socially. Lepers were outcast and could not get near other people for fear of contagion. There have been saints that became lepers while tending to lepers, like St. Damien of Molokai. At the ancient times, because of lack of advancement in science, they thought it was best to kick a person out from the village to ensure the safety of the others. These lepers had to suffer and die alone, apart from the community. This type of leprosy has been eradicated for the most part, although there still areas in the world who endure it. However, now there is a different type of leprosy. It is malady of the heart. It is an illness of the spirit. The leprosy now faced is not primarily physical but spiritual. There are some different types of this new leprosy. First, this new leprosy deals with uncleanliness. There is still much impurity in the world, and it can be encountered easily by a touch a button. There is uncleanliness in thought, in mind, and in body. Sexual impurity is rampant, and this is a new type of leprosy. There are many people who struggle to manage their sexuality. They are unclean, with the way they think and act, and yet for some is totally normal. They no longer cry “unclean, unclean” but embrace a culture of impurity. Unfortunately, there are those who have leprosy, and they do not acknowledge it. Second, another type of leprosy is also manifested in spiritual isolation. In the past the lepers were cast out of the village, now some willingly cast themselves out and do not attend to their community for prayer support. They prefer to dwell outside the camp of the church, willingly. This type of leprosy grows when a person does not have a prayer life, and sins continue to grow. These are the people who want nothing to do with the church. The people who say they are believers, but not religious. Most live in a state of leprosy because of their sins. The spiritual life is strengthened by participation in the community of faith. Third, another type of leprosy is offending others in the church of God. St. Paul reminds to be imitators of him, as he is of God. Basically, to have a good conduct, and a good relationship with others. This leprosy is when anger invades our body, compelling to act in a less than a charitable way with others. St. Paul reminds us to not scandalize others by how we behave, especially those new in the faith. In the first reading as well as in the Gospel, the priests are mentioned in relation to the lepers. The first reading says they shall declare people lepers based on the sore in their head, the Gospel reading also asks for a healed person to present to the priest the sacrifice requested by the law. The priest should not be too prone to declare someone a leper, but to restore them back to the community. It is always good to have a good relationship with the priest and with others in the community and avoid offense. Finally, another type of leprosy is when a person willingly muffles his or her voice and no longer defends the faith. In the first reading, it mentions that added work was given to the lepers, they had to yell from a distance to alert people to keep away. At least they had a voice, but they were muffled because they had to cover their faces. The world keeps trying to muffle believers, so they can no longer defend their faith. The world keeps distorting what is right and wrong. Unfortunately, now the type of leprosy is those who willingly and knowingly muffled themselves because they are going along with world. This new leprosy is of indifference to the faith. Let us be careful that we do not have any new type of spiritual leprosy in our lives, but rather that we may be radiantly living our faith.