Christmas has come to be associated with giving gifts to loved ones. A gift that signifies appreciation, the affection you have for those closest to you, but in current times it has become a commercialized practice that has replaced the true meaning of Christmas. There is more emphasis on expecting or giving a gift, than on celebrating the birth of Christ who brings the greatest gift humanity can receive: salvation. To talk about Christmas today is to talk about gifts. For those who have already purchased their gifts, it is not intended that they no longer give them, and for those families who have young children it is not intended that they be left without their gifts. Father is not the Grinch. But gradually you can shift the emphasis on giving material gifts and focus on the spiritual. There are spiritual things that the church offers during Christmas for great spiritual development, such as: daily prayer and recitation of the Holy Rosary with emphasis on the joyful mysteries that meditate on the mysteries of the Incarnation, the practice of the works of mercy helping the homeless with time and resources and coming to daily mass to celebrate the Octave of Christmas. The church gives many resources to nourish the spiritual life along with prayer, but they are often ignored with a concern for material things. A Christmas without emphasis on material gifts would be a more conscious Christmas, more focused on what is important, which is the birth of Jesus the savior. A Christmas without material gifts would be less stressful, less busy, less commercialized, less cold with excitement, and less commotion. A Christmas without material gifts would open the possibility of giving what really does not end, and that everyone needs: true fraternal love with open arms. A Christmas without material gifts would be like that first Christmas, that night of peace, where it did not matter what each one had, but everyone looked at that innocent child, who brought to humanity the greatest gift, that is their salvation. So yes, a Christmas without emphasis material gifts would be way better to make way for Christmas with many spiritual gifts. May this season we appreciate what Christmas is truly about, grow in our spiritual life. Merry Christmas!