From the beginning the devil has tried to tempt humanity into sin. Satan knows he has no salvation and is eternally condemned so this evil being wants to bring down as many people as possible to suffer the same fate. Satan continues to work in tempting humanity into sin and humanity keeps falling into his traps. In the first reading there is a short summary of the creation of man, and yet from the get-go the enemy was tempting to eat the forbidden fruit. This first temptation was about disobedience, to do your own way, and ignore the precepts of God. This temptation is accompanied by a fruit that looked desirable and pleasing to the eyes. It was about indulging the senses, the lust of the eyes. This first temptation was accompanied with lies, and half-truths the cunning serpent used to make them fall. With this fall sin entered the world, and with sin death. The temptations were not over. In the Gospel reading there are three more temptations. The first was about experiencing hunger and the need to overindulge. The second temptation was about a display of power using religion. The third temptation was about dominion over nations. In all these temptations the devil uses scripture to his convenience. Satan keeps on tempting even unto day in a very similar pattern of the biblical temptations. A contemporary temptation tied to the first temptation, uncontrolled sexuality. Indulging in the senses. Another contemporary temptation tied to the second temptation, using religion for power. Some people want to climb the ladder of power in the church not realizing the only power is to serve. Also, the devil wants to tempt to go headlong down from the temple, for some it would be giving up of their faith. Becoming what they call a spiritual not religious person. A third contemporary temptation tied to the third temptation is self-reliance. No need for God or for the Church. I am my own God. This temptation is about worship false idols including self. And out of all these temptations, a great danger exists. The devil wants people to believe he does not exist. Because if the devil doesn’t exist there is nothing to worry about. Do what you want, and its fine. The devil continues to tempt but now in a covert operation. Whether it is the biblical temptations or the modern temptations, its important to be aware and reject them through the weapons of self-restraint. Satan is still out there and in plain sight continues to fight the plan of God, launching a counterattack with the angels at our side will help to grow in virtue and develop a closer relationship with God. Let us resist temptations with the aids of the Church, and we will grow in righteousness. James 4:7 reminds us “So submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” The devil continues to tempt, let us continue to resist, for the battle has been won against the enemy by the blood of the Lamb of the one Jesus Christ.