Peter converted three thousand in one preaching, today we see hardly anyone converting instead many are dropping out of the church. We don't gain thousands even with the most celebrated preacher and we are certainly hemorrhaging three here, a family here and there and we continue losing members, pews become more empty. We need to confidently proclaim Jesus risen to affirm the faith and stop the hemorrhage. But first we must be sure that we ourselves believe. We may end up being those three or more that eventually leave the church if we are not convinced of His resurrection. There are some signs to keep in mind and they are given in the preaching of Peter. Moved by the Holy Spirit he said exactly the same what Jesus said when he appeared to them on the firstday of the resurrection. Peter said repent, be baptized for the forgiveness of sins and receive the Holy Spirit. A sacramental invitation to live in the risen life of Jesus. Are we living in such a way? Three things are needed to be assured in our faith. Are we practicing them? Are young parents baptizing their newborns or are they waiting for them to decide? Are practicing catholics going to confessions regularly so they can be forgiven of their sins? Are parishioners active in their church serving in different ministries, living their confirmation guided by the Holy Spirit? Many are living in this world just waiting to die and they no longer want to be part of the church. Nothing moves them. They are the new stoics. Lets not end up here. We can invite the same Holy Spirit so that we can be cut to the heart and start living anew and be counted among the elect, and be part of the 3,000 club if you will. Salvation is not limited to 3,000 people of course but now in our church we need more than ever members who are committed to their faith and are living like the risen Lord teaches and invites them to live. Entering and staying in the church is not about the homilies. It is about living the basic elements of the faith so we can be saved from this corrupt generation and start living for the risen Lord by the thousands.