It takes a village to raise a child. And one may add “in the temple.” While in this world the Lord wants to refine the people so they can become more purified and shine like precious gold or silver. The world wants to leave a person in a deplorable state, one of corrosion and corruption. Like an old coin that has no value. The Lord wants for his people to actualize themselves with the help of those who are in his House. But the first step is to make it to church. In the Gospel reading, the parents of Jesus are fulfilling the precepts of the law and brought just in the right time the child Jesus to the temple to be presented. It’s time for more parents to bring their children to the temple to be presented. And not only occasionally but on a permanent basis. The parents of Jesus were law-abiding members and practiced their faith as required. Now, the problem is that children are not being presented at all. Some families are waiting for “right time” to bring their children, and they will keep on waiting. Even if a family has just suddenly come into the temple, it’s not too late to start living the faith as a family. Those who think they do not need to come to the temple of the Lord are in for a good surprise, and not a pleasant one. Not only have they squandered this great opportunity to be in the temple of the Lord, for one day within His temple is better than a thousand elsewhere, but they will have to render an account to the Lord on the Day of Judgement. And who can stand before the Lord when he appears? What will be the excuse? What will be the reason given for not having not attended the temple? It is by coming to the temple that a person, and even a whole family can be purified like in a refiner’s fire. It is in the temple that a person can become truly free and enjoy the freedom of the children of God. No longer subjected to the power of death, that is, the Devil. It is in the temple that He who was tested through what He suffered, can help those who are also being tested. It is in the temple where the yoke of sin is broken. It is in a temple where a child can grow in wisdom and in the favor of God just like Jesus. However, it is easier said than done. Go to the temple, find life, find purpose, find freedom. Many are still willingly subjecting themselves to slavery all their life. They do not want to go to the temple to be able to get help from He who became like His brothers and sisters in every way but sin. And again, people will be liable to judgment for rejecting this invitation. God wants to elevate all to a new level, but how many are willing to come to the King of Glory and the Lord of Hosts and meet Him at His temple? God invites all types of people to His temple. It is interesting the offering given by the parents of Jesus was a humble one. In the Bible it mentions a good offering was a lamb, or a bullock but for poor people who could not afford all the cost, a smaller animal would suffice. The Lord invites the poor, the lowly, and does not care about how much money is in the bank account, just that the person in all its poverty can make it to the temple. Yes, there will be people who will criticize those who are trying to go to the temple. But it’s worth taking the criticism, if it means getting closer to the Savior. The Gospel readings remind all who follow God will be cause for contradiction. And it is better for a mother’s heart to be moved for her children doing good, than getting hurt because they are out there in the world committing sin. Led by the Holy Spirit, it is good to be found in the temple. And while at the temple get to meet some awesome people who will lead closer to God. It is in the temple where people who are prayerful, righteous and devout can be found. They will be there at the temple day and night to praise God and help others to become servants. And after a life of abiding in the temple, living with a spirit of service, the servant may go finally in peace. When called the temple of heaven, the servant having lived a life at the earthly temple can go in peace to live on in God’s presence for all eternity. There are people who will never go to the temple, and there are people who will never leave the temple. Those who are in the temple should take care of bring those who haven’t come, for at the end it takes a community that cares to bring others to the temple, and then ultimately all enter together into the temple of heaven.