In the readings today we see three different types of men. Although the readings mention they were men, It applies to all within the church. The first one is Ahaz. At first glance it may seem that Ahaz is a cool guy, he does not want to tempt the Lord by asking for any sign. But the context of the story is Ahaz did not want a sign because it would entail commitment to the Lord. He wanted to do things his way, and a sign will only get in the middle of his plans. The historical context is the king wanted to do a pact with his opponents without God interfering, so he did not want a sign. But a sign was going to be given to him anyway, and the outcome he was not going to like. Ahaz reminds us of those people who want to do things their own way and do not want any interference of anybody in the way they want to live their lives, even God.
The Gospel presents another man, who is discerning the will of God. He has a very natural reaction when he finds out that his intended spouse is pregnant, and he is NOT the father! He had no relations with her. Yet even though he struggles to understand what is happening, he obeys the command of God when he has a dream. Joseph reminds us of those people who are in a discerning the will of God in their lives. God may ask them to do something they are not sure about, but they are open to give it a try. Hopefully, they do not need a dream to know God is calling them to serve and to be open to his will.
Finally, the second reading presents us St. Paul himself who starts his letter by stating he is a slave of Christ Jesus. He is not afraid nor offended by such description, but he continues to say he is an apostle. A sent one to proclaim the Gospel to the Gentiles. He is an evangelizer who calls to the obedience of faith. St. Paul reminds us of the person who totally surrenders to God and becomes a true apostle fulfilling the mission to carry the Gospel to all Gentiles of the world. This is perhaps where God wants all to end up. These three men remind us of some of the different stages of performance. Ahaz is in a confronting stage questioning still, Joseph is in the cautious stage moving but with reservation, and St. Paul is in the achieving stage fulfilling his destiny. God wants us to move toward the achieving stage of our faith during this season of Advent so that we can truly become the beloved of God in Rome, called to be holy. Advent is the season to advance and not get stuck in life. Let us ask God to help us move forward improving our lives so that God can really dwell with us.