You are dead to me! It is a harsh expression some have used when they no longer want anything to do with someone once was important in their lives. Sometimes this expression is used by family members. It is sad things come to this! Many families bury their own while they are still alive. This means they disown; they distance themselves from their family. So sad how while still living, they treat each other like if they are dead. Instead of coming out of the tomb, they put [insert name here] in the tomb. They bury their relationship in a very real way. In the Gospel we see what a family should treat each other. Happy the man who has two sisters who care for him even after dead! In my case I have three sisters, and they have helped me a lot in my life! In Martha, the first sister, we see determination guided by faith. As usual for Martha she is in constant movement, so she goes out to see Jesus. The Lord has this dialogue with her about the resurrection and asks her bluntly, “Do you believe this?” She says yes but with a diversion saying, “I have come to believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God.” Jesus is not asking that question, but it a pretty good answer. Family members are supposed to stick up for each other. Face the questions and answer them in favor for the loved ones. Martha was very rational but still loved her family. Then comes Mary, slowly but surely where Jesus was waiting for her. There is a short dialogue with Mary, for she is full of tears and emotion. The Jewish people followed her because they thought she may do something drastic because of her grief. She comes and falls at the feet of Jesus. Another blessing from a family member, when they get down on their knees to start to pray for their loved ones. It is interesting Lazarus never speaks on this encounter. There is a danger the family member can become spoiled, immature because over protection. But here Lazarus is mentioned as the one who is loved by Jesus not the one who was spoiled. The point is family members can intercede for members who may even be dead because of sin. Family members should help each other, not bury each other alive by having so many bad vibes! The disciples had no clue what Jesus was trying to do, every step of the way they miss the mark. Jesus says Lazarus is sleeping, and they are like good he is recovering. Jesus says Lazarus is dead let’s go to him, and they say let’s go die too. Families should not entrust their livelihood to people who do not know what is going on in their inner lives. Also at that time, the people around said “Something more could have been done.” Meaning for some people it is never good enough. They are only there to criticize families. They make an assessment about families without moving a finger to help them. Families need to stick together not allowing other people to bring them down with their comments! The gospel is surely about raising of a dead person, but it also about how families should treat each other. May the Lord give us a family like Lazarus who will care for us even unto death.